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Elevate your sports department with Clipboard

Clipboard for your school's sports management

Clipboard is the ultimate tool for managing sports and athletics programs, which means you can leave the admin to us and turn your attention to helping your students thrive.
Clipboard saves Sports and Athletics departments an average of 25 hours per week, increases child safety, and improves communications with your coaches, students and parents. Streamline attendance reporting, coach timesheets, incident management, fixture and training scheduling, and much more, all in one intuitive and mobile-friendly platform.

Features to enhance your sports department

Activity Selection & Payments

Bring your sports to life with Clipboard Activity Selection, allowing students and parents to browse a beautiful online store full of your custom-branded sporting activities. With payment processing, waitlists, eligibility calculation, and the ability to quickly place students into Teams, this module saves days of staff administrative time each term and significantly improves the parent experience.

Clipboard demo screen

Attendance Tracking & Reporting

Coaches can easily mark attendance where ever they are and on any device and are sent alerts to mark the roll so you can be confident that students are accounted for at all times. If a student is marked absent, parents can be automatically emailed to alert them to their child missing a session.

Clipboard's Attendance page helps to uphold high duty of care standards by providing reporting on attendance and participation across all sports.

Clipboard demo screen

Fixtures & Results

Effortlessly manage all sports fixtures in Clipboard and access data on the performance of teams or entire programs across the season. Coaches can easily record scores from the Clipboard app on their phones, and are sent a push-notification if they forget to do so.

To upload fixtures into Clipboard, simply paste your sporting association’s fixtures into our import tool and Clipboard will handle the mapping.

Clipboard demo screen

Incident Reporting

Coaches can quickly record incidents directly from their mobile phones, increasing the accuracy of the reporting and instantly notifying the relevant people.All incidents are available in Clipboard with a trail of follow-up notes and the ability to set a 'Return to Play' date to ensure that injured students don't participate in activities.

Clipboard also integrates with CompliSpace Assurance, immediately pushing back all incidents as soon as they're recorded.

Clipboard demo screen

Communication with your Community 

Coaches, parents & students use Clipboard or one of our partner integrations to view a real-time personalised calendar of their sports trainings and fixtures, as well as other extracurricular events. To help keep the community up to date with any changes,

Clipboard sends push-notification to the relevant students and parents as soon as anything changes (for example, the 2nds Football game on Saturday is cancelled). Busy parents can also sync their children’s extracurricular schedule to their personal calendar app such as Google Calendar or Outlook.

Clipboard demo screen

Team & Group Management

Manage all your teams and groups in one easy-to-use location, and quickly make changes by dragging and dropping students. You can also add student positions (e.g. 'Flute' or 'Left Back') and track jersey numbers or captains.

You can view your Teams in multiple views (such as Power View or Column View), helping you quickly make changes and see all Teams at a glance. With Older Teams and Planned Teams, you can even look back in time at past team lists or plan future team lists before publishing them.

Clipboard demo screen

Pay External Coaches with ease

Schools save up to $100K each year and multiple days of staff time each pay run using Clipboard Timesheets. Clipboard flags hours entries that don’t match up with the schedule, giving you confidence that timesheets are always accurate.

Plus, the system automatically calculates pay rates, overtime, allowances, penalty rates, classifications and cost codes in line with relevant awards.

Clipboard demo screen


Is Clipboard compatible with existing school infrastructure, such as learning management systems or student information systems?
How is Clipboard different from an LMS and SIS?
What kind of training is required for teachers, administrators, and students?
Can I pay my external coaches through Clipboard?
Is Clipboard a sports management system?
Can I import my schools association fixtures into Clipboard?
Does Clipboard sync my school fixtures?
Does Clipboard integrate with my schools systems e.g. LMS, SIS or other apps?
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Clipboard can save up to 140 hours a week between all the different sports. Which is obviously a huge number and a huge amount of admin, and it’s theoretically a few people working full time just on role marking and team selection.

Cameron Hart

Head of Sport

St Joseph's College Hunters Hill

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Clipboard saves us an enormous amount of time. The ease of access, improved communication to parents, the clean and clear interface, plus the support from Clipboard staff when you need it is fast and efficient. Clipboard gives you everything you need in one place, and coaching staff can access all the information they need on their phones.

Rob Cooper

Director of Sport

Lauriston Girls' School

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In terms of student wellbeing, we know how important risk management is, and that's where Clipboard really helps us as a school, helps the staff, and ultimately helps the students to be safer in being involved in sport.

Nick Racina

Head of Sport

St Catherine’s School

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Prior to implementing Clipboard, sports personnel were often found on the sidelines updating spreadsheets with information. Now, all this is seamlessly done through one platform, fundamentally changing how internal staff communicate information and the speed at which it happens. We weren't expecting students to love the app and the system as much as they do. It's been quite remarkable; students really use the platform.

Susan Ali

Director of Communications

St Aloysius' College

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We've got a better sporting program and better results because of Clipboard. It saves us time, and gives our coaches and staff more time to work with students and develop their knowledge and skills because they're not wasting time on admin.

Martin Haywood

Head of Sport

Pymble Ladies' College