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School Governance

Clipboard for your Music Management Program

Clipboard’s vision is to empower everyone to thrive through activities. In the world of music, it serves as an invaluable tool for music administrators, external music tutors, music teachers, heads of music departments, and directors of co-curricular programs.
Clipboard member author
Ed Colyer
January 3, 2024
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School Governance

The Importance of Safeguarding in Schools

Safeguarding, the practice of protecting children and young people from harm, encompasses a range of measures aimed at creating a secure environment within educational institutions. Regardless of location, safeguarding software and management systems have emerged as invaluable tools for student safety worldwide.
Clipboard member author
Sam Clarke
December 8, 2023
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School Governance

How Clipboard enhances wellbeing for K-12 students

Clipboard's diverse range of extracurricular activities plays a pivotal role in promoting both physical and mental wellbeing among students. These activities not only encourage physical movement but also foster a sense of belonging and community whilst providing avenues for personal growth and achievement.
Clipboard member author
Lara Varrica
November 15, 2023
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